I can teach Maths at all levels. I am up to date in methods used in schools and can help build confidence and love for maths. I have successfully tutored maths for entrance exams (7 plus/9plus/10plus and 11plus) but also helped with homework and tricky maths areas (sometimes for tests) in Key Stage 3 (years 7-9).
Topics included in the 11+ Maths Curriculum
Number and place value
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Fractions, percentages, decimals
Ratio and proportion
Geometry (properties and position of shapes, co-ordinates)
Aim to identify which topics/areas are the hardest for your child so that you can work on addressing them.
Encourage your child to build a good knowledge of the necessary topics.
Remember that there can be huge variations in the standard of 11+ exam papers (independent school papers can vary vastly from grammar school ones).
The majority of Maths papers will be non-calculator tests.
Children should practice mental arithmetic so that they can develop their speed.
Students should endeavour to show their working out and most schools will provide additional writing paper or space for this.
Competitive schools will often include several questions which go beyond the KS2 National Curriculum. In fact, we've spotted GCSE and even AS Level questions in some tests. Whilst there's no need to cover much advanced material, it can be useful to teach your child some of the more advanced questions if they are sitting an exam for a highly competitive school.
Always research to check if your target schools provide sample papers as these can be one of the best ways to prepare your child for the exam.
It's vital that you cover worded Maths questions as well as problem solving questions as these will make up the majority of questions in the exam. Even the brightest of students struggle with problem solving and worded questions especially because they're not taught in detail at primary level.
Aim to develop your child's logical thinking and reasoning skills.